BWIPM 2016
The 2nd Brazilian Workshop on Interior Point Methods took place at the University of Campinas (Unicamp) on 17-18/May, 2016. The purpose of the workshop is to offer a nice environment for researchers and students to show their recent developments on subjects regarding Interior Point Methods and Applications. The participants are encouraged to present a contributed talk about their research and recent results. Invited plenary speakers will talk about important developments in the area.
See the workshop latest news on Facebook at:
The first version of the workshop was in 2015. This was a success and all its information can be found at the address
- Recent theoretical developments of IPM;
- Applications of IPM;
- Softwares and implementations;
Organizing comitee
- Aurélio Oliveira (IMECC, UNICAMP)
- Carla Taviane Lucke da Silva Ghidini (FCA, UNICAMP)
- Christiano Lyra Filho (FEEC, UNICAMP)
- Daniela Renata Cantane (IBB, UNESP)
- Danilo Oliveira (UFU)
- Jair da Silva (UFPR)
- Lino Marcos Silva (UNIVASF)
- Luciana Casacio (UTFPR)
- Marta Ines Velazco Fontova (FACCAMP)
- Mayk Vieira Coelho (ICT, UNIFAL)
- Pedro Munari (DEP, UFSCar)
- Silvia Maria Simões de Carvalho (UFSCar - Campus Sorocaba)